
Jamie | Christopher Manning


Christopher Manning
Regno Unito 2015 / 10' / v.o. sott. it. / anteprima assoluta

Jamie è un ventenne solitario che sta maldestramente cercando di avere la sua prima relazione. Timido e con poca autostima, le sue passate esperienze con gli uomini hanno dato risultati insoddisfacenti. Una domenica incontra Ben, e mentre trascorrono il pomeriggio insieme Jamie inizia a fantasticare se abbia o meno incontrato finalmente la persona giusta.

Jamie, a quiet loner in his early twenties, is clumsily looking for his first relationship. Shy and lacking self-confidence, his past experiences with men have yielded disappointing results. One Sunday, he meets Ben. As they spend the afternoon together, Jamie begins to wonder if he has finally met his match.

Christopher Manning è uno scrittore e regista di racconti di finzione. Ha viaggiato e lavorato in Europa e in America prima di ottenere la laurea alla Columbia University a New York, dove ha studiato Storia e Film. Ha lavorato come script reader, production coordinator e assistente alla regia in svariati documentari e film, così come per la televisione. Nel 2015 ha partecipato al Cinephile Scholarship Program al Telluride Film Festival. Attualmente frequenta un Master in Filmmaking alla London Film School.

Christopher Manning is a writer and director of narrative fiction. He travelled and worked a variety of jobs in Europe and America before earning a BA from Columbia University in the City of New York, where he studied History and Film. He has worked as a Script Reader, Production Coordinator and Assistant Director on various fiction and documentary films as well as for television. In 2015, he participated in the Cinephile Scholarship Program at the Telluride Film Festival. Christopher is currently enrolled on the MA Filmmaking course at the London Film School.


Christopher Manning

Alistair Little

Jojo Erholtz

Rory Rea
Mauricio D'Orey
Terence Dunn

Sebastian Christophers
Raphael Verrion
Paul Clerkin
Sam Atkinson

Christopher Manning
Alistair Little
Naomi Waring

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